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Atli Guðmundsson Spring Clinic 2007


Lorrie and Gaefa working in the round-pen with Atli

Lorrie and Gaefa working in the round-pen with Atli

Asta and Hrafn fra Gardabae in Tolt

Asta and Hrafn fra Gardabae in trot

Atli standing in the middle of the track while Asta paces Thor fra Prestsbakka

Thor fra Prestsbakka and Asta in Pace

Asta and Thor fra Litlu-Sandvik in trot.

Anne-Marie and Blaer fra Sigluvik in Fast Tolt

Anne-Marie and Blaer fra Sigluvik in Fast Tolt

Anne-Marie and Huni fra Torfunesi in Tolt

Atli watches Anne-Marie and Huni fra Torfunesi

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